The Role of Parenting Coordinators in British Columbia Family Law

The Role of Parenting Coordinators in British Columbia Family Law

Navigating the complexities of separation or divorce often involves contentious disputes over child custody, access, and parenting responsibilities. In such scenarios, conventional court-based resolution mechanisms may not always provide the desired outcomes or the ongoing support needed to address emerging parenting issues. Thankfully, British Columbia’s family law landscape offers alternative dispute resolution options aimed at fostering collaboration and facilitating communication between conflicting parents. One such resource is parenting coordination, a specialized and child-focused dispute resolution process designed to support parents in implementing parenting plans and addressing ongoing co-parenting challenges.

In this article, we will discuss the role of parenting coordinators in British Columbia’s family law disputes, examining their unique functions, the benefits they provide, and the process of engaging a parenting coordinator. We will also highlight the importance of having knowledgeable, trustworthy, and compassionate legal representation when navigating family law disputes involving parenting coordination.

Pathfinder Law is a highly regarded family law firm in Abbotsford and throughout British Columbia, offering expertise in a wide array of family law matters, including those involving parenting coordinators. Our skilled family law attorneys are devoted to guiding clients through the intricacies of family law disputes with empathy, dedication, and personalized support, ensuring that clients can successfully navigate the challenging road ahead. Trust Pathfinder Law’s commitment to client satisfaction and our substantial experience in family law matters to guide you during this transformative and difficult period in your life.

The Role of Parenting Coordinators in British Columbia Family Law

1. Functions of a Parenting Coordinator: A Multifaceted Approach

Parenting coordinators wear many hats in their efforts to guide parents through the challenges of co-parenting and the implementation of parenting plans. Their primary functions include:

– Mediation: Parenting coordinators facilitate collaborative discussions between parents to help them reach mutually agreeable decisions and solutions for various parenting concerns or disputes.

– Education: They provide parents with constructive advice, skill development, and guidance on effective communication, conflict resolution, and various aspects of child development and well-being.

– Decision-Making: In instances when parents cannot reach an agreement after engaging in mediation, parenting coordinators can make binding decisions on specified issues, within the scope of their mandate and limitations set by the court.

2. Benefits of Parenting Coordination in Family Law Disputes

Engaging a parenting coordinator can provide numerous advantages to separated or divorced parents, their children, and the overall dispute resolution process:

– Reducing Conflict: By fostering communication and collaboration between parents, parenting coordinators can help diffuse tension and decrease the likelihood of ongoing conflicts.

– Child-Focused Resolution: With a focus on serving the best interests of the child, parenting coordinators prioritize the child’s needs and perspectives, ensuring that their well-being remains central throughout the process.

– Efficient Dispute Resolution: Parenting coordination tends to be faster and more cost-effective than going to court, as issues are resolved more promptly with less emotional stress on the parties involved.

– Enhanced Parenting Skills and Resources: Over time, the support and guidance provided by parenting coordinators enable parents to improve their tools and strategies for successful co-parenting.

3. Engaging a Parenting Coordinator: The Process and Considerations

Acquiring the support of a parenting coordinator can either be a voluntary decision made by both parents or a court-ordered appointment. Regardless of how a parenting coordinator becomes involved, the following steps are typically involved in the process:

– Selection: When choosing a parenting coordinator, it is critical to find someone with specialized training and experience in family law, psychology, child development, or social work. Additionally, engaging a neutral and unbiased professional is essential to ensure that both parents feel supported and heard.

– Agreement or Court Order: The terms, duration, scope, and responsibilities of the parenting coordinator will be outlined in a written agreement signed by both parties or a court order specifying the terms of the appointment.

– Meetings and Communication: The parenting coordinator will meet with both parents, either separately or jointly, to discuss parenting problems and facilitate resolution discussions. They may also communicate with the parents via phone calls, video conferences, or email, depending on the specific issues and requirements of the case.

4. The Role of Legal Representation in Parenting Coordination Matters

While parenting coordinators play a vital role in resolving co-parenting disputes, seeking guidance and representation from respected family law attorneys is no less critical:

– Legal Advice: A knowledgeable family law attorney can provide invaluable insights into the legal aspects of parenting plans, parenting coordination, and other family law matters, ensuring that clients are informed and well-prepared for the process.

– Support During Parenting Coordination: A family law attorney can provide ongoing support to clients during the parenting coordination process, helping them successfully navigate the complexities of parenting disputes with confidence and clarity.

– Representation in Court Proceedings: If the parenting coordination process does not lead to resolution, or if further court intervention is necessary, an experienced family law attorney can represent clients in court, advocating for their interests and the best interests of their children.


Parenting coordinators offer essential support and guidance to separated or divorced parents navigating the complexities of co-parenting and the implementation of parenting plans. Understanding their functions, the benefits they provide, the process of engaging their services, and the complementary role of family law attorneys is crucial for parents seeking to resolve parenting disputes efficiently and effectively. 

Count on Pathfinder Law’s dedicated team of expert family law attorneys to provide comprehensive guidance and representation throughout the parenting coordination process, ensuring that you and your children receive the support and protection you deserve. Trust our proven track record and unwavering commitment to client success as you address the challenges that life presents.

Disclaimer – The information contained herein is of a general nature. It is not intended to be legal advice and it is not intended to address the exact circumstances of any particular individual or entity. You should not rely on or act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice and without a thorough examination of your particular situation.